Monday, October 21, 2024
Preconference Workshop - 1-4 p.m.
Telling Stories to Create Change
Waiting for the Ah-Ha lightbulb to come on? Telling your story is important, but how do you tell a story that inspires change? Do you want to learn how to tell your story better so that people will pay attention? Or maybe you want to learn better interviewing skills to help others tell their story. The process of asking someone to share their story is the perfect opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of how, when, where, and why to share an experience. During this interactive workshop, you will learn how to craft stories that center on the person with lived experience. Participants will also have an opportunity to prepare and share their story (if they would like) during Tuesday’s Department of Health Services listening session.
Presenters: Kate Marple and Sally Flaschberger

Kate Marple from Who Tells the Story? is a lecturer in the Department of Human Services at Northeastern University where she developed and teaches an undergraduate course in nonprofit communications. She also helps nonprofit, health, and legal services organizations tell stories that are shaped by people directly impacted by the issues these stories are about.

Sally Flaschberger is the Project Manager for the Living Well and the Wisconsin Disability Policy Program. She also co-leads the BPDD Partners In Policymaking program.
Previously, Sally worked as a Lead Advocacy Specialist at Disability Rights Wisconsin focusing on special education and kids’ issues. Sally has extensive experience in public
policy and advocating for individuals with disabilities. Sally is the parent of a young man with a developmental disability.
Self-Determination Conference 101 - 3-5 p.m.
Do you have questions about the conference? Want help deciding what sessions to go to? We can help you out! Stop by the Maji Lounge (across from registration desk) to get one-to-one help.
Micro-Learning KICK-OFF - 5-8 p.m.
Feed the Need to Learn - Africa West Ballroom
What is Micro-learning? Micro-learning is a way to teach information in bite-sized bursts: 5-15 minutes of information about a specific topic. You can get the information through flashcards, checklists, video or audio clips, or step- by- step guides. You’ll get to practice and collect useful information in a fun and interactive way to explore self-direction and self-determination.